Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge

Terrorist organization, which shook the whole world [al-Qaeda] and ...

Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge Terrorist organization, which shook the whole world [al-Qaeda] and the battle over the [IS] For many years [ISI (al-Qaeda branch organization in the predecessor of the Islamic countries .IS of Iraq)] has been supported by those who served in Saddam Hussein regime. However, time Abumusabu Zarqawi was the leader, the Baath party born who supported the Hussein regime that was so as not to put the ISI. Al-Zarqawi is because he believes that [Iraqis generally, and Baath party graduates is especially lacking in faith]. In fact, Iraq under the Saddam Hussein regime in a non-religious nation, Islamists had been suppressed. However, if Zarqawi to death in 2.0 years, ISI has been driven by the US military and Sunni forces, command section of the ISI thought the need for enhancement of combatants. As a result, no longer as important is to be a revolutionary Islamists, can recite a few lines of Koran, I began to get used to combatants of the ISI as long stretched out beard. Sonaruto, Baath party born of combatants who ruled for decades Iraq has become a valuable presence.