Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge

Acts of terrorism outside the Middle East of ISIS to tunes Group: ...

Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge Acts of terrorism outside the Middle East of ISIS to tune group In the suicide bombing that occurred in the day in the capital Abuja suburbs of West Africa Nigeria, armed groups loyal to the extremist organization [Islamic State] (IS) the day, issued a claimed responsibility on Twitter. Reuters reported. Although Islamic extremist organization Boko Haram in Nigeria has repeatedly terrorism, Syria, is terrorism by IS to work in Iraq unusual. If that is true, there is a possibility that the IS and Boko Haram are united front. According such as Reuters, suicide terrorism occurred in Abuja near police station near the market, at least people were killed. In the statement, is set to bid the [IS West Africa], people performed a suicide bombing. Occur one after another suicide bombing in which people of the children in the northeastern Maiduguri seen the perpetrators on the day. And people, including the perpetrators were killed and the crime of Boko Haram is suspected. Boko Haram is published a month this year, a statement of the contents of that swear allegiance to the IS on the Internet.