Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge

The reason for bin Laden [AV collection] is making noise | World ...

Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge The reason for the bin Laden [AV collection] is making noise <0 years year from the murder of. The seized material from the hideout of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden of plans to the CIA to publish in the near future, but "there" only the CIA director told and not publicly. New not even talking about [Bin Laden of pornography] is, why or what will a topic> . A number of terrorist attacks al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in which he led the Hidden pornography], CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) does not disclose -. 00 years of the date marked the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, Maikuponpeo CIA Director told so in an interview with FOX News. Pompeo is, declared that US Navy special forces to zero the years and huge documents and letters seized from hiding destination of the hideout at the time of killing bin Laden in Pakistan, to publish [in a few weeks] from now on. On the other hand, among those seized, pornography class only is he made it clear that it is not publicly. Pompeo is [(Some of the seized goods) pornography and copyright are also those that are protected by] and told news is, in the United States to devote condolences to.