Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge

Hangaisho [the purpose of murder in the al-Qaeda-based organization] ...

Islamic extremists | Encyclopedia Nipponica - Japan Knowledge Hangaisho [the purpose of murder in the al-Qaeda-based organization] Ban Ki-moon Foreign Minister has stated that [the armed group is seen that it was the purpose of killing from the beginning Kim]. Ban the day, when you described this incident in Park TsutomuMegumi representative of the Grand National Party (GNP), make sure that Mr. KimuIchi has been kidnapped, and requested information about the armed groups in the Arab countries, obtained as it was found that such a thing in information, have stated as follows. [In Iraq not only armed groups inside Iraq, came in from the outside, many of confirmation is difficult organization of identity, for these groups, it is difficult to exercise the influential religious parties. In the case of the Japanese NGO activist people of abduction, because it was the Iraqi interior of the armed group, was successful in release through religious officials, organizations that have kidnapped this time of Kim, organization and ideas with al-Qaeda and relationships It is] and I mentioned.